Bad Communication: The Prime Suspect in Causing Divorce
The underlying reason for almost every divorce case is lack of communication. Yes, even in cases over money, it was the lack of conversations about money that led to the relationship’s demise.
The underlying reason for almost every divorce case is lack of communication. Yes, even in cases over money, it was the lack of conversations about money that led to the relationship’s demise.
Learn how getting a new attorney’s fresh pair of eyes and post-judgment specialization can help you get a smoother and swifter agreement for your matter.
It’s important to understand the difference between community property and separate property so that you get clarity heading into your marriage and have proper expectations in the event of an unexpected divorce.
Get a rundown on how your partner’s debt affects your personal liability with regards to prenups, postnups, and divorce.
If you can’t coexist as a married couple but still care for each other, your divorce can still be your greatest accomplishment together.
You have an option to work with a mediator to achieve a healthy and successful marriage. Instead of “lawyering up,” you work with a neutral third party to cement the love you have for each other with a prenup that empowers you to thrive out the gates.
Let’s take a closer look into how prenups can expire or be amended in a marriage in California and which option is best for you in the long run.
Couples have an obsession with getting married and then figuring things out. If, indeed, there are things to figure out, don’t get married yet! It seems simple enough.
I’ve touted the essential benefits of prenuptial agreements, so here, we’ll unravel common pitfalls I’ve seen clients fall into when getting a prenup.
Find out how more prenups mean less money for family lawyers who are hungry for divorce revenue.
We reveal the downside of fighting fire with fire and show you how to take the high road in a potentially combative situation.