People choose us for expert legal representation coupled with the compassion of a personal coach or consultant. Clients work directly with Raymond Hekmat, getting a high-touch custom approach to consulting and law.
Divorce Consulting
Mediation, Personalized Support, Education
Prenuptial Agreements
Prenups, Postnups, Premarital Financial Consulting
Unbundled Legal Services
Child Custody, Spousal Support, Post-Judgment
Divorce Consulting

Summary of services
- Divorce Mediation
- Goal-Setting and Strategic Planning
- Individual Counseling
- Legal Advice
- Education of Your Legal Rights
- Personalized Support
Our firm provides divorce consulting services in many areas. Whether you are thinking of getting a divorce but don’t know what the process looks like, or if you are going through divorce mediation with your partner, we will not only assist you in making and reaching your goals, but we will also coach you through the challenges you’ll face. Since your mediator cannot legally advise you of your rights during a mediation, we will be there to provide that vital legal advice so that you can make the right decisions at the right time. We will also guide you on how to handle a difficult spouse and minimize stress.
Schedule a consultationPrenuptial Agreements

Summary of services
- Premarital Financial Consulting
- Prenuptial/Postnuptial Agreement Planning, Drafting and Negotiation
- Cohabitation Agreements
We specialize in prenuptial agreement planning, drafting and negotiation with a focus on making the process collaborative and working with the other attorney in a compassionate and understanding manner. We believe that a prenuptial agreement is a vital tool in planning for your marriage – not only divorce.
The discussions surrounding the agreement will act as a catalyst, empowering couples through uncomfortable yet vital conversations to establish a foundation of transparent communication and create a blueprint for successfully navigating financial decisions as a couple.
Schedule a consultationUnbundled Legal Services

Summary of services
- Divorce
- Child Custody and Visitation
- Spousal Support
- Post-Judgment Dissolution Matters & Judgment Enforcement
- Domestic Violence Restraining Orders
If you are dealing with post-judgment enforcement or modification of support, custody, or other issues in regard to your divorce or paternity matter, we offer limited scope services to our clients who are looking for focused representation. This type of service will limit the fees that will be incurred, and will allow you the flexibility in resolving some issues on your own, while benefiting from the expertise of a skilled and knowledgeable attorney.
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